The Government is the single largest buyer of a variety of goods. With a view to increase the share of purchases from the small-scale sector, the Government Stores Purchase Programme was launched in 1955-56.

NSIC registers Micro & small Enterprises (MSEs) under Single Point Registration scheme (SPRS) for participation in Government Purchases.

Benefits of Registration

The units registered under Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC are eligible to get the benefits under “Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order 2012” as notified by the Government of India, Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, New Delhi vide Gazette Notification dated 23.03.2012.

  • Issue of the Tender Sets free of cost;
  • Exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD),
  • In tender participating MSEs quoting price within price band of L1+15 per cent shall also be allowed to supply a portion upto 20% of requirement by bringing down their price to L1 Price where L1 is non MSEs.
  • Every Central Ministries/Departments/PSUs shall set an annual goal of minimum 20 per cent of the total annual purchases of the products or services produced or rendered by MSEs. Out of annual requirement of 20% procurement from MSEs, 4% is earmarked for units owned by Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribes (as per PPP Order dated 23.03.2012 overall procurement goal shall be mandatory w.e.f. 01/04/2015)
  • In addition to the above, 358 items are also reserved for exclusive purchase from SSI Sector (list are given below in .pdf format).


  • All Micro & Small Enterprises which are registered with the Director of Industries (DI)/District Industries Centre (DIC) as manufacturing/service enterprises or having Acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs Memorandum (EM Part-II) are eligible for registration with NSIC under its Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS).
  • Micro & Small Enterprises who have already commenced their commercial production but not completed one year of existence. The Provisional   Registration Certificate can be issued to such Micro & Small Enterprises under Single Point Registration scheme with monitory limit of Rs. 5.00 Lacs which shall be valid for the period of one year only from the date of issue after levying the registration fee and obtaining the requisite documents.


How to Apply 

Micro & Small Enterprises shall have to apply either online on our website www.nsicspronline.com or on the prescribed application form in Duplicate and to be submitted to the concerned Zonal/Branch Office of NSIC located nearest to the unit.

In case of any difficulty in filling the application form and completing the documentation, please consult any of the Zonal / Branch office of NSIC.

The application form containing Terms & conditions are available free of cost from all offices of the NSIC.

The guidelines attached with the Application Form provide a checklist for the documents that are required to be submitted along with the application.


The registration Fee is based on the Turnover as per latest audited Balance Sheet of the Micro & Small Enterprise for the Registration, Renewal and any other amendment etc. The Fee structure is indicated in the table as below:

S.No. Category (Turnover Based)  Fee
   I. Fee for Fresh Registration of Micro & Small Enterprises:


a)  Turnover up-to Rs. 100 Lacs

b) Turnover exceeding  Rs. 100 Lacs

a)      Rs. 5000/-


b)      Rs.5,000/- plus Rs. 2000/- for every additional turnover of  Rs. 100 Lac.



II. a)      Fee for issuance of amendments in stores (Qualitative & Quantity); Fee for issuance of change in monetary limit or any other amendment in the certificate, and


b)      Fee for issuance of Renewal of G.P. Registration (Every Two Years)

50% of the charges as mentioned at


Sr. No. I above



In case any contract which exceeds the capacity and monetary limit specified in the registration certificate, inspection agency will be requested to carry out inspection of the unit to assess the competency of the unit to execute contract of the higher value keeping in view of the pending load on the unit.  On the recommendations of the inspecting agency the Competency Certificate are issued by the NSIC Office to the Purchasig Department

Rs.5000/- (inspection charges of the inspecting agency and all other taxes as applicable will be charged extra)


Micro & Small Enterprises owned by the Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes and the MSEs located in the entire North Eastern Region

20% Only


(no change in fee being collected by BOs for Technical Inspections of MSEs)



The Registration Fee as mentioned in the table above is exclusive of the Inspection charges as levied by the inspecting agency.  Such charges as decided by the Inspecting Agency are borne by the unit. Till such time the Inspecting Agency makes any amendments in their charges, the present Inspection fee of Inspecting Agencies is as under :-

A.   Inspection Fees for MSME-DI
S.No. Investment in Plant and Machinery Inspection Fees for MSME-DI
1 Up to Rs. 5 Lacs Rs. 1250/-
2 >Rs. 5 Lacs  Up to 25 Lacs Rs. 2000/-
3 >Rs. 25 Lacs Up to 100 Lacs Rs. 3500/-
4 >Rs. 100 Lacs and upto Rs.500 Lacs Rs. 5000/-



B.   The Professional fee payable by MSEs to M/s RITES Ltd., and M/s Consultancy Development Centre for undertaking physical inspection will remain unchanged which are:
By RITES (Applicable from 1.4.2013)




Rs. 6000/- (Inclusive of Taxes and Travel Expense)  for Micro Enterprises, and


Rs. 8000/- (Inclusive of Taxes and Travel Expense) for Small Enterprises.

By CDC Rs. 3000/-  plus Service Tax as applicable (all inclusive like taxes and travel charges etc.) for Micro Enterprises


Rs. 5000/- plus Service Tax as applicable (all inclusive like taxes and travel charges etc.) for Small Enterprises.




1.   Micro & Small Enterprises shall have to apply either online on our website www.nsicspronline.com  or on the prescribed application form (in duplicate) along-with requisite fee and documents to the Zonal/Branch and Sub Office/Extension office of NSIC situated nearest to their location.

2.   Duplicate copy of the G.P. Registration Application Form submitted by the Micro & Small Enterprise will be forwarded to the concerned MSME-DI RITES / CDC  along with copies of required documents and requisite Draft/Pay Order of inspection charges in favor of concerned Inspection Agency requesting for carrying out the Technical Inspection of Micro & Small Enterprise and forward their recommendations in this regard.

3.   After receiving  Inspection Report, NSIC will issue the GP Registration Certificate to Micro & Small Enterprise for items/stores as recommended.

Procedure for calculation & fixation of Monetary Limits of Micro & Small Enterprises.

A.  Monetary limit of the company is fixed on the basis of the unit’s net sales turnover during the last three years reflected in the Audited Balance Sheets.

Sample calculation:
Net Sales = Total sales – All Duties, Taxes, returns etc
Details of the net sales of the company during last three years:-
2007-08 – Rs. 50 Lacs
2008-09 – Rs. 75 Lacs
2009-10 – Rs. 80 Lacs
Therefore, Monetary Limit = Rs. (50+75+80)/3 X 50%
= Rs. 34.26 Lac.
Say = Rs. 34 Lac.

  • In case the Company/Partnership concern/Proprietorship unit is in loss for one year out of past three years, their monetary limit will be fixed at 40% of their average net sales turnover.
  • Similarly, when the Micro & Small Enterprise is in loss for two years out of the past three years, the monetary limit will be accordingly fixed at 30% of their average net sales turnover of the past three years.
  • In the event of Micro & Small Enterprise being in loss throughout past three years, the monetary limit of the Unit will be fixed at 20% of the average net sales turnover of the Unit during the past three years    In cases of initial registration where the firm has been in existence for less than 3 years MTL may be fixed at 50% of the average net sales value of the last year for which audited accounts are available.


B.  Where the turnover of the Enterprise has steadily increased over the last three years and the unit is in profit continuously, the Monetary Limit may be fixed at 50% of net sales turnover achieved in the last year.

For Example : If during the last three years 2007-08 , 2008-09 and 2009-10 the turnover had grown steadily and was highest in 2009-10, in this scenario the Monetary Limit should be fixed by taking the basis of highest net sales / turnover achieved in the year 2009-10. The other terms and conditions will remain unchanged.

Validity Period of G. P. Registration

The G. P. Registration Certificate granted to the Micro & Small Enterprise under Single Point Registration Scheme (Revised), 2003 is valid for Two Years and will be reviewed and renewed after every two years by verifying continuous Commercial and Technical Competence of the registered Micro & Small Enterprise in manufacturing / producing the stores for which it has been registered by NSIC.


  • A copy of Acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs Memorandum Part-II;
  • Affidavit towards proof of ownership of Plant & Machinery and Raw Material clearly showing date of purchase & original purchase value (NOT DEPRECIATED) of individual machinery duly attested by 1stClass Magistrate/Notary Public (Format “B” of application form).
  • Performance Statement as per format/Performa “G” of the application form.
  • Notarized copy of ownership documents of the premises or copy of lease deed.
  • Declaration/Certificate from the Proprietor/Partner/Director whether or not they have any link with large scale unit(s) registered with DGS&D /ISI/ and/ or other   manufacturing unit(s) in case of their links with other unit(s), the details thereof to be specified.
  • Two copies of each of Declarations duly signed by the authorized person of the applicant SSI Unit accepting conditions of registration (Format “D” & “E” of application form).
  • List of raw materials and finished goods in stock.
  • Copy of BIS license, if applicable.
  • Copy of ISO 9000 (Optional).
  • Copy of Registration Certificate if registered with DGS&D or
  • other Govt. Organizations.
  • List of places where after-sales service facilities (if applicable)
  • are available.
  • List of technical personnel employed in production and services.
  • Item for which registration required with detailed specification(s)
  • Write-up on quality control measures adopted by the firm for
  • ensuring quality of raw material, bought out item (s) for assembly and sub-assembly and for products/stores in process and the finished products quality control
  • List of quality control equipment and testing facility available in factory
  • Copy of type test report from Independent lab, where applicable as mentioned in relevant standard.
  • Latest Electricity Bill Copy.
  • Audited Balance Sheet, Trading Account and Profit & Loss
  • Account for the last 3 years duly signed by the authorized
  • Person under his seal.
  • Statement showing the Results of Operation for the last 3 years duly signed by authorized person under his seal (Format  at “C” of application form).
  • Bankers’ Report giving details of financial status of the applicant firm as per Performa “F” of application form.

Documentary proof of the status of the firm:


i.        General Power of Attorney in favor of one of the Partners.

ii.       Partnership Deed.

iii.     Form ’A’ from Registrar of Firms showing the names of the partners.



i.  Certificate of Incorporation duly authenticated.

ii.  Memorandum and Articles of Association duly Authenticated

iii. Names of sitting Directors, their addresses and their share holdings.

iv. Board Resolution in favor of the Signatory of the application

and documents.


i.  Certificate of Registration of Societies.

ii.       Society’s Bye-Laws/Regulations etc.

iii.     Names of Members, their addresses and share holding.

iv.   Current Certificate from Registrar of Societies that the Society is still functioning and its working is satisfactory.

v.     Details of authorized share capital and subscribed share Capital.

vi.    Details of movable as well as immovable property owned by the Society.

vii.  Resolution of Society for seeking registration under Government  Purchase  Program

viii.Resolution in favour of Signatory of the application & documents.


The firm manufacturing Paints shall approach to the General Manager, Integral Coach Factory, Perambur, Chennai for paints for Coaching Stock and the Director General, Research Design & Standards Organization, Alam Bagh, Lucknow for Paints for Wagon/bridges and other applications for registration as approved suppliers for supply of Paints to Railways, after the units have been registered with NSIC for general supplies.

Documents Required for Renewal of the Registration

  1. Original GP Registration Certificate.
  2. A Copy of the Permanent Account Number (PAN CARD).
  3. A copy of Acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs Memorandum Part-II;
  4. List of major Govt. Orders executed during last 2 (two) years.
  5. Copies of Audited Balance sheet for last 3 years duly signed by the authorized person under his seal.
  6. Annexure ‘C’ of GP Application form duly signed by Chartered Accountant
  7. List of addition/deletion in the plant and machinery after the registration.
  8. Annexure ‘D’ and ‘E’ duly signed by MSE.
  9. For renewal of registration where monitory limit is more than Rs 10
  10. Crores and inspection  has not been carried out by Technical Inspecting Agency  or NSIC during the last one year, such  units  will be inspected  by the respective Branch Office of NSIC before issue of  renewal  Certificate. The Inspection fees shall be equivalent to Inspection fee charged by the Rites.